Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Class 240...

A brutal morning class featuring lots of exercise and grip fighting and toreador drills, with occasional bouts of sparring.

I did some additional sparring at the end of the class and I tried out a few things, which included attacking from full guard with leg triangles, armbars, omoplatas and chokes, and from overhook position in full guard. I now have several attacks from the latter, which include a leg triangle, an armbar, a kimura on both arms, an ezekiel choke and a guillotine. 

I also played with butterfly guard and am working on a sweep, an arm drag and a sweep from x guard. I played with a sweep from butterfly guard, too, where I kick out the opponent's legs out attack for a guillotine.

Private Class No.13...

Some more work from half guard position on bottom. 

A quick question about the competition fight I lost and the key to not allowing an opponent to pass from a high frame half guard position is for the bottom foot hooks to stay active. Ways to improve the position included cross gripping with thumb up on left hand, and the right hand managing distance on the opponent's arm. The knee also has to connect to the left elbow to form a solid frame.

When opponent tries to flatten you, go to overhook and attack using triangle armbar or omoplata.
When opponent tries to posture up, underhook with left arm round waist; switch hooks and stretch leg to attack opponent's base; then go to knees; but keep leg trapped; then attack for back, knee tap with right hand and drive forward with undertook.
When opponent tries to posture up; underhook with left arm round waist; switch hooks and stretch leg to attack opponent's base; go to knees but trap leg; then knee tap with right hand; if opponent bases out to prevent the knee tap; then drive forward with shoulder to collapse opponent.

Classes 238 & 239...

Two early morning classes focusing on half guard from a high frame. These were:

Man on bottom keeps a knee in shoulder of the opponent and elbow connecting to knee; shifts up on hip with right hand posting on opponent's arm to prevent head control; use knee to push opponent off and attack for the underhook; secure head on belly/chest of opponent with left arm holding hip around waist of opponent to secure head position.

From here there are several options:
attack for the back
opponent uses whizzer; then clamp down and sweep to same side as trapped leg and arm
knee tap and drive into side control

Other options are also to go deep under and secure hip control and rock one way or the other to attack the back.

If opponent tries to smash pass using knee grab, then secure hand on knee and sweep using rocking method. 

Sparring was OK. I was paired with higher belts and did OK.

I also did some work on overhook position using the kimura and the guillotine.

Classes 235, 236 & 237...

More morning classes and work on a few more techniques. These were:

A throw involving a sort of armour and wrist and elbow lock and a drop down. I missed the details of this but it looked quite good.

We also worked on an escape from the De le Riva position: flare knee out; strip the grip; push the leg to the side; start a smashing pass.

Sparring was OK. I am still experimenting with a guard game that uses overhook position to threaten submissions. I'm also having some success with sweeps from butterfly guard.

Classes 233 & 234...

A couple of morning classes working on a few different things. These were:

Guard pass following guard escape: one hand on hip and one hand on knee; the hip hand pins the hip and the knee hand drives to one side; drop into side control; if the opponent goes for single leg to defend, then take a big overstep to attack the back.

I also worked on overhook attacks using the leg triangle and the sneaky armbar, and the collar tie to fend off opponents who manage to grab both my legs and smash into side control.

Class 232...

An early morning class focusing on attacks from full guard. They went something like this:

The opponent is in your guard and he stands to escape from your guard; secure wrist control on one side; keep guard tight as opponent stands; lose grip with guard and slide down and reguard around his knees; clamp your guard tight and ensure his base is compromised; drag arm down and topple him over; move the leg on top to under the legs of the opponent; scoop opponent's legs up and drive into side control

The opponent is in your guard and he stands to escape from your guard; secure wrist control on one side; keep guard tight as opponent stands; grab gi pants near foot with other hand; use legs to annoy and get a reaction; if opponent brings in other hand to break grip, climb up for triangle; if opponent brings in other hand to break grip, climb up for armbar; if opponent stays put, sweep for omoplata.

We also worked on an attack from overhook guard position; attack for leg triangle; if opponent defends, then switch attack to kimura on other side; or let trapped arm slide out and attack for kimura on overlooked side.

Sparring was exhausting in the heat but I did OK.

Classes 230 & 231 ...

A couple of early morning classes focusing on attacks from full guard. The key idea went something like this:

From full guard: stuff the opponent's arm to the opposite side to collapse frame their frame; if they posture up, then sweep them to unbiased side; if they stay still, then attack the back.

Sparring was OK and I'm having some success with attacks from full guard.

Private Class No.12...

A private class focusing on the double-leg takedown. 

The key details were: 

Secure wrist control on opponent's right wrist; take a penetration step into the opponent's structure; drop down onto right knee with left leg going past the opponent's right leg; secure head on side of opponent's rib cage and look ahead to avoid guillotine; hands grab back of opponent's knees; either stand up and side step to collapse opponent to side; or drive forward while pulling opponent's legs in to collapse opponent forward.