The yoga was quite demanding but I think it's something I'll go back and do as anything that helps keep me more flexible is a good thing.
Onto the class itself and today we learnt a sequence that ends in an arm lock and rib compressions of sort but starts with a goodbye choke. The latter section was wasted on me but I did pick up the basics of the choke section and liked this.
Goodbye choke: kneel facing your opponent and place your right hand palm up and fingers in under the right lapel of his collar; pull his head under the right side of your rib cage so it's like a guillotine choke; then tighten it by threading your left arm underneath your right elbow with your palm facing out and squeeze everything together.
The second section of this move involved shooting underneath your opponent, which rolls him over and then tightening the choke. If this fails you sprawl on your opponent, then get an underhook with your right hand under the centre of his gi collar at the back, then drive your right shoulder into his chest.
I didn't fully get this so I'll come back to it at a later date.
In sparring I got tapped all over the place. I got a couple of choke attempts in but I was largely outgunned. I also fell for several triangle chokes in quick succession. On the plus side I now know I need to study defences against these.
Triangle defence: grab onto your opponent's belt and posture forward by driving your hips forward and elevate your head; then grab his legs and shake him loose before breaking his guard.
LESSON FROM TODAY: drill the goodbye choke; read up on armbar and triangle escapes.
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