Friday, 15 March 2013

Class 58...

Today was an open mat class so it was very much an odds and ends sort of session.

I spent some time with two other white belts doing guard escape and retention exercises. I'm not very good at either of these yet but I am trying to do the basics, such as control the opponent's legs and secure good grips when trying to pass and securing grips then trying to trap the opponent's legs when attacking from the ground.

I then spent some time sparring and got smashed by one much better white belt but held my own with a much more experienced one. I defended myself from his attacks for some considerable time but his better technique and my fatigue eventually won through.

I then had a roll with two good blue belts and got ruined by one very explosive and fast-moving blue belt who emphasised fighting for grips and not surrendering position at the start. He was also very good at using his legs to strip any grips I'd managed to secure.

I then had a roll with another blue belt who kept getting his foot onto one of my hips to unbalance me when I was struggling to stabilise my base in full the open guard.

It was a very tough class with no victory of any description in sparring but at least I'm trying to do the right things, like recovering guard, or bridging when I'm mounted, or breaking guard when I'm trapped, and defending bad positions when I'm under attack.

I still have a long way to go before I'm competent at even the most basic level of BJJ, though. But there's no rush...

LESSON FROM TODAY: Fight for grips to pass the opponent's guard at the start; learn to use your legs like your hands.

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