Friday, 10 May 2013

Class 65...

An open mat session and, with an inter-club tournament in September and a possible grading in October, I'm starting to think about upping my training. Sadly work demands are preventing such thoughts becoming a reality so I guess I'll just plod on when and where I can...

The open mat began with a lengthy roll with one of the blue belts I often roll with and, although my defence was OK at times, I was told in no uncertain terms to fight to control the legs to pass the guard. I kept trying to do this but it's very tough when you have a fast and slick opponent. Perseverance will pay off eventually, though. Probably...

Next up was a white belt who was just too strong for me and, although I defended, he was technically superior and very assured in what he was doing. I then had a roll with a strong purple belt who showed me a move to tighten my body position up when I'm on top in side mount. I ended the session by rolling with another purple belt who caught me in a few leg locks then showed me an escape for an Achilles lock. I then tried to get him in an Achilles lock and he escaped using the escape he'd just shown me. I saw the irony.

It was a bits and pieces day and I didn't feel I really achieved anything. But some days are like that. And I have to remain patient. If I want to get better then I just have to keep turning up.

LESSON FROM TODAY: Fight to control the legs and avoid the guard.

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