Sunday, 21 September 2014

Judo: Class 1...

Today, my first judo class at the BJJ school and this was hard work. My falling is of a good standard and I know some throws but I wasn’t sure what the rules were in randori (free sparring) so I played it safe by trying a few sacrifice throws then pulling guard.

The two throws we worked on were similar to throws I’ve done elsewhere but the addition of a resisting opponent made it much harder work. The throws were:

Foot sweep: Use the left hand to feed a collar grip to the right hand; grab the opponent’s right hand with your left and; ensure your right foot is forward and close to the opponent’s left foot; step through with the left foot so the opponent steps back and takes his weight off his front left foot; then use your right foot to sweep the opponent’s left foot from the back before it rebases on the floor; at the same time, pull down and forwards with your right hand and push forward and up with your left hand to collapse the opponent’s structure.

Inside trip: left hand grabs the opponent’s right sleeve at the elbow; right hand grabs the opponent’s collar near the chest rather than the neck; step back with the left foot so the opponent reacts and steps back with his right foot to pull you back in place; your left foot steps forward at a 90 degree angle with the toes pointing to the outside but close to the opponent; the elbow grip moves the opponent’s elbow in side towards his belt line while your right foot hooks inside the opponent’s left leg; your right hand moves his gi over his shoulder so his body twists; you then drive your momentum forward and drive him through a diagonal line via your right hand; look at the place you aim to collapse him.

Things to remember in judo: think moving the opponent’s limbs outside their normal range of movement and outside their strong positions to help secure grips. Footwork, footwork, footwork…

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