Three very good morning classes in quick succession and I'm slowly starting to feel like I'm getting back up to speed.
The first class was with a guest teacher and we did some work on a sweep against a standing opponent.
i) The man on the bottom has his feet on the hips of his opponent, with the right hand on the opponent's lapel and the left arm trapping the opponent's right leg; the bottom man then hip escapes out and hip escapes back in in so his knees are trapping the right leg of the opponent; your left foot then goes onto the hip of the opponent and your right foot drops to the right knee of the opponent and stretches him out into a sweep.
ii) If the opponent moves in to break leg pressure, let go of the collar grip, pinch knees together and roll onto left side to take opponent over; pass trapped leg and pin onto your right hip; then technical stand-up and leg drag before passing into side control.
In the next morning class, we worked on a sweep when the opponent tries butterfly guard.
i) Your head on shoulder of opponent; grab foot same side as head and grab back of opponent's collar with other hand; pull down with collar, pull up with leg and move own legs out to create space then drive for side control.
ii) The choke from this position involved moving to knee on belly, extending arm at collar to apply pressure, then releasing left hand and going deep with palm up and pinky to opponent's neck, then turning to apply choke.
In the third morning class, we then worked the same 'steering wheel sweep' as an attack into side control from no contact.
Sparring was fab and I was mainly paired with fellow white belts. I caught one opponent in a head and arm choke and a couple of other opponents in kimuras. I also rolled with a very good blue belt and defended myself for a decent amount of time before falling into an armbar when escaping a bad position.
It's good to be back and it's better to feel like I'm picking up full fitness again.
Things to remember: the steering wheel sweep from butterfly guard.
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