Sunday, 24 January 2016

Class 200...

An early-morning session featuring stand-up techniques and a horrible choke from side control.

The stand-up techniques involved sparring and securing a takedown from a wrestlers tie-up. I tried a few judo-style throws here and a single leg. I got paired with one much lighter guy who I was fine with, but I struggled against two much stronger, heavier guys, both of who felt like they had wrestling experience. My takedowns and throws are generally OK, but I need to road-test my joint and wrist locks in these situations much more. 

We then worked a choke from a takedown than ended up in side control. This went something like this: 

i) Take down opponent via side trip and fall into side control. 
ii) From side control, switch to scarf hold and isolate opponent's nearest arm.
iii) Bring knees to opponent's body and use right arm to sweep under opponent and secure collar control at back of neck.
iv) Grab collar on furthest-away side with left hand with thumb facing down.
v) Secure opponent to floor with right hand, tighten grip with left and drive forearm into opponent's neck, sprawl out on toes to drive more pressure through the forearm. 

Sparring was fine and I did OK against a couple of senior belts and a couple of white belts. I got full guard against all of them and attacked from there. 

Things to remember: level change when taking opponents down and defending takedowns; choke from side control.

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