Monday, 15 February 2016

Classes 202 & 203...

A Friday lunchtime class and one of the very good purple belts who regularly competes did an impromptu seminar on arm locks. He took us through various set-ups and entries, but the main takehome was to drive or climb the crotch into the joint to be attacked and to close the space when attacking. He also showed a very good set-up for a straight armlock from both guard and half-guard. This starts with a kimura attack, then turns into a hip escape, before tightening the grips on the arm as you fully extend it.

This was followed by an early-morning class, which featured some drills on grip fighting and securing a grip on the opponent's gi collar, wrists and pants.The takehome here was to fight for grips at all times or to fight to remove the opponent's grips. 

Sparing at both classes went pretty well and I more than held my own against my fellow white belts and successfully fended off a couple of blue belts for six-minute rounds, too. I even caught a few oponents in a couple of different types of leg triangles. 

Things to remember: climb the crotch on armbar attacks; fight for grips when attacking.

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