Monday, 21 January 2019

Class 312...

Today was my second open mat no gi class and I felt a little bit more up to speed. The pace seemed a little less daunting and I was better at keeping my hooks active when people were trying to pass my guard.

I'd also worked on a couple of triangle defences, which sort of worked. The first was a stack and spin defence, which involved posturing up and putting my trapped arm on the opposite side of my opponent's head, then putting my knee in and spinning to mangle his posture and break his legs apart. The other involve getting control of a wrist and placing a foot in the armpit, then stretching out to break the leg lock.

I also tried a triangle from a bad hip bump sweep. This involved attacking from guard for a hip bump sweep without securing the arm, allowing the opponent to defend his base with that arm, then keeping the pressure on his arm and bringing the leg through for a leg triangle.

It was a decent class and I felt I had some success in least holding position in my overlook closed guard. My attempts at butterfly guard are still pretty poor, though, and there's still plenty of work to do before I even reach a basic level of competence at no-gi.

Things to remember: Work on butterfly, defending leg locks and triangle defence. 

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