First up was a No Gi class. We worked on the following:
Ten-finger Choke from Arm and Collar Tie: Bring outside arm in, push head down and cover back of opponent's head with chest, cup hands together under neck of opponent, close blades of wrists around head of opponent to limit his escape opportunities, do arm curl to raise finger guillotine on neck of opponent, then push down chest.
Guillotine From Arm and Collar Tie: Bring outside hand in, push head of opponent under your armpit, slide opposite arm under neck of opponent, connect hands and throw the other arm over shoulder of opponent.
Hand in Guillotine From Arm and Collar Tie: Bring outside hand in, push head of opponent under your armpit, slide opposite arm under neck of opponent, connect hands and throw other arm over shoulder of opponent. If this does not work, swim arm under armpit of opponent, then sprawl and drop down, then attack for darce or anaconda choke.
Side Control Escape: Frame on bottom and turn away from opponent, then Granby Roll back to secure guard.
Guard Retention and Escape Drills: I was OK at guard retention, but I sucked at guard escape.
The second class was a Gi class and we worked on the importance of securing the undertook to escape when on the bottom in side control.
Side Control Underhook Escape and Knee Tap: When on bottom, use frame under neck of opponent to create space, insert neck hand to undertook, switch hips and come to knees, then knee tap for sweep.
Side Control Underhook Escape and Roll Opponent: When on bottom, use frame under neck of opponent to create space, insert neck hand to undertook, walk hips away from line of opponent in scarf hold, join hands and rock opponent over.
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