Monday, 17 February 2020

Classes 413-414...

First up, a Gi class in which we worked on some Butterfly Guard techniques. 

Escape from Bottom Side Control: establish frame, use the frame to create space, insert knee and insert other leg as hook and come up to Butterfly Guard.

Butterfly Double Unders Sweep: establish Butterfly Guard, attack for double unders, pull opponent on top of you, pick a side and use the hook on that side to dump him over. 

Butterfly Double Overs Sweep: establish Butterfly Guard, opponent attacks for double unders, establish double overs, pull opponent on top of you, pick a side and use the hook on that side to dump him over. 

Butterfly Arm Drag to Back Take: establish Butterfly Guard, attack for arm drag, pull opponent to side, attack for back 

Butterfly Sweep to Side Control: establish Butterfly Guard with an over-under control, the overhook side is the side the opponent is being swept to, the overhook side leg goes flat to the floor, the hook drives up and the flat foot pushes off the floor to sweep. 

Sparring was tough but I am persevering with the Stack Pass.

Followed by another No Gi class in which we worked on variations of attacking for the Omoplata from Guard

Omoplata from Guard: right hand reaches across to grab opponent's right hand at sleeve; left hand grabs bottom of opponent's gi trousers; closed guard opens and right leg goes onto hip of opponent or on floor; left leg swoops over; keep opponent's arm secure' then sit up and hand wraps opponent's waist to prevent him rolling free; then legs move to alter base; apply pressure down onto arm; then swoop forward to whisper into opponent's far ear to apply pressure.

This included a cool inversion technique I forgot the details of. But I'll ask about this and get it down on here.

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