As an aide memoir, these were as follows:
Armbar from guard: use guard to break opponent's posture down and secure opponent's right arm by pulling it diagonally and pin it to own chest with little finger down; left leg out onto opponent's hip and kick through to collapse his posture some more while at the same time using right arm to grab opponent's right shoulder and push his head down to the side so you can lift your left leg over his head and press down with legs and drive up with hips to get the surrender.
Arm triangle from guard: opponent has his hands on your belt line; grab opponent's right arm and drag it diagonally onto your right shoulder while using your guard to collapse his posture and move him forward; use left arm and head to wedge his right arm against his neck and wrap your right arm around his neck and clasp your right hand onto your left bicep; clasp your left hand to the left of your head and squeeze the choke.
We also worked a guard escape where the person on top is laying in the person on the bottom's guard and has to break it. Notes to self on this are: ensure you posture up with your hands on your opponent's belt or trouser line to pin his hips; right knee to opponent's bum and left knee at nine o'clock; then pressure down with elbows onto opponent's inner thigh to break guard; drive right knee over opponent's right thigh to touch the floor; then swing the left leg out and go to scarf hold from side.
But all that's specific bits and bobs that will sink in over time. And some of the details in the descriptions above are also probably wrong but that doesn't matter. They'll be corrected over time.
The key lesson today was about breaking down the opponent's posture using the guard and the hips. Coolio...
LESSON FROM TODAY: Use your guard and your hip power to break down your oppponent's posture.
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