'I've done bits and pieces before.' Tap...
'I've devoured loads of books on BJJ over the past three or four years.' Tap...
'I should be able to tap somebody out in my first class, surely?' Tap...
'It looks much easier on the telly, doesn't it?' Tap...
'Can I do leglocks?' 'No.' Tap...
'Can I use neck cranks?' 'No.' Tap...
'Can I at least hit you or kick you a bit to soften you up?' 'No.' Tap...
'Bugger.' Tap...
Today was my first BJJ class and I spent an hour tapping out of armbars, chokes, kimuras and Americanas. As soon as my opponents had them half locked in I knew what was coming. I couldn't get past their guards to launch any meaningful attacks of my own and the few times I succeeded getting past their guard I was either swept or they regained guard or half guard pretty quickly.
It was a valuable lesson in humility. Not that I genuinely arrived expecting to wow everybody. I'm aware it's going to be a long road and I should set no immediate goals other than going and enjoying it.
On the plus side I can fall to a good level, I have decent takedowns, and I have some submissions and sweeps under my belt. My fitness was also pretty good and I at least made the senior belts I sparred with work for their submissions. But they were also probably taking things quite steady so I shouldn't read too much into things.
On the minus side I have no grasp of position before submission so I think that is the first thing I need to get to grips with. So it's guard escapes on YouTube week...
The most important thing, however, is I've started. And I'll go back next week. And the week after that. And the week after that...
LESSON FROM TODAY: Position before submission; escapes from guard are key.
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