Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Classes 129 & 130...

Two beginners classes, one on top of the other, and both focusing on an armbar, omoplata and triangle drill. 

I've done this drill quite a lot before but I picked up some key details today about always securing the limb that's under attack and using other body parts to prevent the attacked limb being pulled out. 

So, for example, the grip on the attacked arm on the armbar has to be secured by the hand grabbing around the triceps and forcing the arm under your armpit to secure it further. The knee on the hip must also pinch tight to prevent the arm being lawnmowered out, and the hand cross-gripping the opponent's opposite shoulder must help maintain the collapsed frame, while the legs must be heavy to keep the opponent down. 

There were similar bits of advice on the omoplata and the leg triangle, particularly about using head control to secure the collapsed posture on the triangle.

It's really all about closing down space when attacking, a pint my blue belt friend underlined last week for me. 

We then did a variation where the opponent leans to one side to create space and you follow him to roll onto the arm and get the tap with it underneath your body. 

But two hours well spent. In my bid to improve, I need to start double-banking classes. And today was a start.

Things to remember: Close down the space and utilise other body parts help apply the pressure to collapse the opponent's posture.

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