Sunday, 10 May 2015

Competition No.3...

Today was the yearly club tournament and I once again competed at middle-weight. 

Sadly, I missed the weight by about 1.5kg, but I was still allowed to compete as it's quite a relaxed affair. In any other event, though, this would be an instant disqualification. So the first lesson of the day: I need to manage my weight loss better. 

So, for the remaining three events I'll be doing this year, I've now given myself a five-week schedule to diet and drop any additional pounds (and it's pounds because I still work in metric).

Onto the fight itself, and I lost quite heavily on points. On the plus side, I defended well and didn't get submitted, and I even managed to get back to half-guard, and full guard at one point.

My opponent got side control then full mount and I was defending pretty much for all that time. I had a couple of very small chances, one a throw from standing and another an attack from full guard, but I was just too exhausted. My opponent was also a decent wrestler who knew how to use his weight. 

But I was never really in it and I wasn't aggressive enough. I should probably have exerted myself more to escape bad positions earlier in the fight and tried to tire him, but I never felt I had a decent opening. 

However, another event done and more things to work on. And, last year at this point, I didn't even last a full round. 

Things to remember: Be more aggressive. Don't rely on countering all the time. 

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